Andrew Allan Brexit Blog


After over three years the Brexit saga continues to rumble on and takes another twist as Boris Johnson is appointed Prime Minister.
We often joke about the Brexit arguments that we have had with friends and family and sigh with mock theatricality with each new political development. However, Brexit can take its toll upon mental health.
For some, this long period of uncertainty will induce anxiety due to the direct economic impact of either leaving or remaining whilst for others their very citizenship or that of friends and family may be at stake. More generally, we may be anxious about the future and the impact upon our family or future generations or the sort of society that we will become should we leave or stay. Of course, anxiety is not the only emotion experienced: frustration, anger, fear, disillusionment and despair are just a few of the other feelings that may be invoked.
Brexit has split traditional party lines and in the same way similar divides may be experienced with friends and family. This can lead to a sense of isolation and can feel disorientating, for example, when you no longer feel on the same wavelength as someone close to you. On an even more fundamental level, Brexit may have led you to question your previously entrenched ideas and beliefs and perhaps even challenge the very meaning and purpose that you live your life by.
It may feel awkward or embarrassing to acknowledge that Brexit has in some way had an impact upon your mental health, particularly when it’s been indirect. I hope this blog has gone a small way to help address that.